Friday, September 5, 2008

DS Redesign's on The Way?

It looks like that Nintendo is not going to sit down after Sony announced a little hardware change for its portable PSP. It is still a speculation though, but the internet community is treated to a news that said a redesign Nintendo DS could be debuting in April or May next year. It will be incorporating touch functionality on both screens with a widescreen aspect ratios. If it's true, the redesign DS will present a new control that would seem worthy of an entire new stock of titles and let's see how the existing titles are going to be able to take advantage of the addition of another touch screen.


L. Venkata Subramaniam said...

I have never understood whether gaming on the PC is any different from gaming on dedicated gaming servers like xbox, PSP etc. Is the experience any different?

lionheart85 said...

I am never a fan of PC gaming but I like my handheld and console gaming. So I guess I can say that the experience is different.

Anonymous said...

No there is no real difference between the two. If any it would be lag issues are far less on dedicated severs. But console online play is much like PC online all depends on your connection.

lionheart85 said...

I guess Subramaniam didn't mean the online play, but just playing games in general.
PC games tend to be prettier than the console counter part, that if you have the latest or high end equipment PC.