Friday, August 15, 2008

Intel's Next Generation Turbo Memory

Since Microsoft launched Windows Vista, there have been a number of complaints from users regarding usability of the operating system an other problems. One of the most common complaints about the OS is the sometimes sluggish response times in machines with inadequate amounts of memory on board. Microsoft tried to address some of the memory utilization issues with its ReadyBoost capability, but many people who try it reported no real gains in performance.
Intel saw the opening for technology that would help accelerate Windows Vista and introduced its Turbo Memory. Intel Turbo Memory has not proven to be successful to date and has found little support from PC manufacturers. reports that Intel has introduced a new version of its Turbo Memory, which aims to transparently optimize Windows for flash memory storage. The new version offers a dashboard for Windows and allows the user to choose and control what applications or files are loaded into Turbo Memory "user pinning". Programs and applications that are data intensive will see the most benefit from the new Intel Turbo Memory according to Intel. Turbo Memory is also said to be capabln of accelerating gaming, digital media editing, and productivity software.

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